KDC (Korean Deep-fried Chicken)




Korean fried chicken

Korean fried chicken (From Wikipedia), usually called chikin (치킨, from the English “chicken”) in Korea, refers to a variety of fried chicken dishes created in South Korea, including the basic huraideu-chicken (후라이드 치킨, from the English “fried chicken”) and spicy yangnyeom chicken (양념 치킨, “seasoned chicken”).  In South Korea, fried chicken is consumed as a meal, an appetizer, anju (food that is served and eaten with drinks), or as an after-meal snack.  Korean fried chicken differs from typical American fried chicken because it is fried twice; the skin is therefore crunchier and less greasy. Furthermore, Korean-style chicken is not characterized by the crags and crusty nubs associated with American fried chicken; it was described by Julia Moskin of The New York Times as a “thin, crackly and almost transparent crust”